What is so important about the "Important Poem?"
Sometimes teachers have trouble introducing poetry to their students. Although students may think that poetry has to be abstract and complex, it can actually be simple and to the point. The “Important Poem” is a wonderful example of a poem that is short and to the point. It is relatively easy to do, and can be used for any subject. First, you choose a topic. The topic that you choose can be anything that interests you. For my topic, I will choose the writer’s notebook. After choosing a topic, you should identify three things you think are important about your topic. For the writer’s notebook, I think it is important that we share our feelings and ideas, learn new writing strategies, and express ourselves. After generating three ideas, we can formulate our poem. Here is an example of how your important poem should look:
The important thing about a writer’s notebook is
You can share you feeling and ideas
You can try new writing strategies
You can express yourself
But the important thing about a writer’s notebook is
You can share your feelings and ideas
Using important poems in the classroom can be a great experience for your students. It will enable your students to focus on generating ideas for their topics. Additionally, as a future classroom teacher, I would use this strategy to teach essay organization. Since so many students have problems with writing an essay, it would be beneficial to use poetry as part of the writing experience. Students would choose their initial topic and come up with three important things about their topic. Then they would proceed to writing their important poems. The important ideas from the poem would be used as the three body paragraphs of an essay.